Capability Partners

J2 collaborates with a diverse range of industry leaders, uniting our services with theirs to deliver exceptional results. Our partners not only enhance our capabilities but often become our valued clients, creating a dynamic ecosystem of mutual growth and success.

Learn more about these strategic collaborations and how they empower us to provide more comprehensive and integrated geospatial intelligence solutions.

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Supporting the development of resilient organisations and communities with Resilient Solutions

J2 is partnered with RESOL to provide geospatial support to their consulting, capability-building and training services whilst simultaneously bringing their expertise to bear to the benefit of our clients.

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Creating Geospatial Resources in Collaboration with Soar

J2 is working with Soar to contribute to their admirable mission of being the ‘world’s largest atlas’ whilst leveraging their unsurpassed resources to deliver more comprehensive geospatial products.


Partnering With AIML in the Research and Development of Solutions

In conjunction with Disaster Relief Australia, J2 is working with one of the foremost machine learning institutes in the world to develop a sovereign AI capability. This change-detection resource will enable rapid, large-scale damage assessments with related capabilities across numerous other applications.

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Growing Through Innovation in Technology and Systems With SYPAQ

J2 is a provider to SYPAC for drone-based data capture in Australia. Concurrently J2 has the ability to leverage SYPAC’s Cessna-based, large-platform aerial imagery capability to add a whole new dimension to the scale at which we can efficiently obtain large-scale mapping imagery.

Our Social Impact with Disaster Relief Australia

At J2 Geospatial Intelligence Services, our roots are deeply entwined with Disaster Relief Australia’s legacy of utilising military expertise for humanitarian aid.

J2’s profits are contributed back to DRA. We also offer professional development and employment opportunities to DRA volunteers looking to further their career in the Geospatial Intelligence field. 

Why Choose J2